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25+ DIY Home Paint Project Ideas To Save You Money

If we can paint it, we will. It is always one of the first things we think about when trying to update our home. Home DIY painting projects are a sure way to cheaply modernize every room in your house. Whether is it wall painting ideas or painting cabinetry, DIY home paint projects can easily modernize your home decor and space.

collage of DIY painting projects, wall painting, cabinet painting and whitewashing a fireplace.

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1 can of paint can equal many home painting projects that you can do this weekend.

-Erin from The DIY Nuts

Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but once you start home painting projects, you will just want to keep going! Use these 20+ residential painting projects as inspiration for your next weekend DIY. Don’t stress, just go buy that can of paint.

Home Painting Tips

  • Consider painting walls with a neutral colors that will not go out of style.
  • Use fun painted accent walls to add to your space.
  • Think out of the box and use bright and fun colors for furniture makeovers.
  • Use other materials like contact paper or gel stain along with paints for unique DIY home projects.
  • Never throw away your leftover paint. You never know when you just might need a little extra color.
  • Always test the paint in your actual lighting.
  • Don’t be scared, it is only paint and can always be redone.
  • Make sure to properly prep surfaces if you want them to last.
  • Take your time. Saving wet brushes and rollers in Ziploc bags can be a lifesaver.
  • Consider painting more than just walls. Look at trim, cabinets, and even flooring to completely makeover any space.
  • While it is a personal preference, surfaces like tile and brick can also be painted. We love all of these different brick fireplace makeovers in this post.
  • Repaint things that have already been painted. You would be shocked at what a fresh coat of paint can do.
paint samples used when doing DIY home painting projects

Do you need help deciding what color of paint to use?

We recently just tried Samplize and it totally beats having to buy individual paint samples. These 9″ x 14.75″ samples will get shipped directly to you and save the hassle of clean-up (we loved that).

See our review to also get answers to frequently asked Samplize questions.

From DIY wall painting ideas to painted furniture makeovers, here are 20 painting projects you could try this weekend.

DIY Home Painting Project Ideas

It is amazing how far one can of paint lasts for home painting projects. Simply put DIY paint projects are some of our favorite ways to modernize and makeover our home.

DIY Wall Painting Ideas

The first thing that people think about when doing paint projects in their homes is adding a fresh coat of paint to the walls or even tiled backsplash. You can brighten a space by just adding white or add a completely new design to the wall using paint.

Cabinet Painting Ideas

We know that painting cabinets can be scary. Once you learn how to properly and easily paint those cabinets, you are going to love updating your old cabinets. Here are a few cabinet color and painting ideas.

Paint To Update Old Oak and More

If you have oak molding or that dresser that seems to just look dated, consider painting it. I know there are some people out there that just fell out of their chairs. But clean-looking painted home projects can bring your house into this decade.

Home Painting FAQs

What are some DIY painting projects that are easy for beginners?

Painting a room is one of the most common DIY painting projects. Start with a small room and choose a light color, which is forgiving and easier to work with. Remember to prep the space before you begin. You may also want to consider painting furniture, a door or a canvas to build confidence in your painting before taking on larger projects.

What cabinet project should a beginner take on?

We always recommend starting with a smaller piece or cabinet to begin with. Before deciding to paint your kitchen cabinets, try painting a small bathroom vanity first. The smaller project will help you learn all the proper steps that must be completed before jumping into time-intensive longer projects.

How do I help choose the right paint color for my projects?

When picking paint colors, consider existing decor, lighting in the room, and the size and layout. Take your time when testing colors and use large swatches. Make sure that you look at the test colors at different times of day and in different locations before jumping into your painting project. If you want to play it safe, consider painting a neutral color and adding pops of color to your accessories and decor.

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Most importantly have fun and take your time during your home painting projects! We just love how these budget painting ideas have updated our home.

20+ diy painting project ideas with painted home projects

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